While is now the home for former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara’s popular podcast, its original iteration was very different. In 2015, I worked with Some Spider Studios to create a brand identity, digital footprint, and content strategy to launch CAFE as a new comedy media brand.
In the wake of Jon Stewart’s departure from “The Daily Show,” the time was perfect for a new satirical take on the news. My first focus was to develop an identity and collateral stack with a bold look that captured both comedy and social media “think piece”-driven political journalism.
I then got to collaborate with a team of brilliant media and comedy notables like Blake Zeff, Erin Ryan, Ziwe Fumudoh, and the Chapo Trap House crew to roll out various original content series, long form videos, and podcasts — including the widely covered fictional journalist Carl “The Dig” Diggler.